Hosts / Porch owners

Do you have a porch, patio, driveway, or parking lot that could host a performance? Sign up here! Registration begins Monday, Feb 1. and will continue up to the day of the event. If you haven't already found performers for your porch, you can request them from our performer gallery (first come, first served).

Do you have questions about how this works? See our FAQ below or contact us at

Frequently asked questions about Porchfest

What is Porchfest?
Porchfest is an afternoon of free music performed outside of people’s homes - on porches, patios, driveways, and lawns.
Where in Malden is Porchfest happening?
It will take place throughout the city.
What do I need to do if I’m hosting musicians?
The requirements are:
  • Designate an outdoor area on your private property that can accommodate musicians and guests. Porches are great, but any outdoor space will work.
  • Communicate with the performer(s) to arrange for logistics. Ask them what time they plan to arrive, what electrical access they need, and any other details. You will receive their contact info once a connection has been made.
  • Ensure your performance space has available space and is free of clutter that could create a hazard.
  • Be home during the time that musicians are performing on your property. Welcome the band upon arrival and be a gracious host to festival attendees.
  • Allow musicians access to (only) your porch during their set-up, performance and breakdown times.
  • Promote the event in the weeks leading up to May 18 to family, coworkers, and friends.
  • Communicate with neighbors regarding the performance to boost attendance and to avoid complaints about noise.
  • Count the number of people who attend each performance and report your numbers to the organizing committee at
  • Consider providing a trash can to encourage respect for the cleanliness of the neighborhood.
This is an all-ages, alcohol-free event. We appreciate your help in keeping the event viable and safe for everyone.
How long will the band be performing on my porch?
Malden’s Porchfest will run from 12p to 6p. You may or may not have musicians performing during that whole window, depending on how many groups you choose to host. Each performance will start on the hour. We recommend that a performance lasts no longer than 45 minutes if setup is needed for the next performance at the top of the hour.
Do I need to own my property to sign up as a porch owner?
Yes, property owners only please, for liability reasons.
I’m a musician! Can I play on my own porch?
Sure! You should register separately as both a host and a performer and then select your own band/performer to make a match,
Do I have to provide refreshments?
We’d appreciate it if you could make water available to musicians, but it’s not required. Anything else you offer is up to you.
Do I need to provide parking for the band?
No, but it would help if you arrange with the band where they can park temporarily to drop off equipment.
How will folks know that my porch is hosting music on May 31?
We’ll provide lots of information on our website, including maps with a schedule. We’re counting on you to help promote the event as well. You can print copies of a flyer we will provide you to post in your neighborhood; please remove the posters after the event so we don't create trash.
What if it rains?
We will notify you by email if we need to move to the rain date, and we’ll also update our social media pages.
Can I decorate? Can my kids set up a lemonade stand?
Absolutely! Anything you want to do to make your porch a fun place to be is welcome. We just ask that you don’t block the sidewalks.
What’s the fine print?
We hope you have a great time at Porchfest. By agreeing to perform, host, volunteer and/or attend Porchfest you also agree to participate at your own risk (not that we are anticipating any issues). You agree to hold performers, hosts, volunteers, and/or organizers free of any claim for damages in the event of accident, injury, or disappointment.
Whom should I contact with other questions?
Please email the Malden Porchfest committee at